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Leadgeon Group

From ideas to actual results

We find most suitable sales angles to different audiences so that you can shorten your sales cycle.

We achieve this by testing various sales angles on email and LinkedIn, identifying the most effective approaches, and scaling them. The outcome is the generation of new and more meaningful customer appointments, streamlined marketing campaigns, and saved time in human resources.

Not everything is a one-size-fits-all solution, book a 30min brainstorming session with us!

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What you'll get

Reach your selected target group in Finland or in chosen country.

Find new sales angles for different target audiences (as many as it is smart to test, a minimum of 1000 people per test).

Get follow-up automations for your clients and prospects so that you’ll never forget to follow-up them.
Get new Sales appointments with idea clients (can’t promise how many but usually it’s 12-24 per 3000 people).
Other possible lead generation activities:  webinar invitations, contacting inbound leads (e.g. white-paper downloads, chat), LinkedIn sales (connection requests), setting up Lead nurturing sequences.

Core summary of Objectives

1) To find out the most suitable sales angles for different audiences (can be used later in other marketing channels)

2) Generate more sales meetings for sales people

3) Get new message angles for marketing team 

4) Shorten the sales cycle 

5) Integrating lead generation to Pipedrive/Hubspot or alternative system to support current CRM platform

We'll collaborate with marketing and sales, but can work independently if needed.

How it works


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4
Analyse and improve

We choose the most potential target audiences


We decide what we want to sell

Ideate and decide sales angles


Write multiple messages with different angles 


Get the contact lists and install the automation setups

Reach the audience in chosen channels 

  • Email (“normally” looking email sent from a salesperson inbox but in an automated way) 

  • LinkedIn ads + Landing pages

  • Phone + SMS

Analyse results and scale to a larger audience. 

Optimisation and new experiments.


Changes to written messages - refining the approach

Here's how we're different

It might be difficult to find a marketer who understands both sales and product development in a startup mindset. 

Our startup capability to test and pilot new products in a collabarion with a sales and marketing team is fast and effective.

In a team of two (us), we have the established familiarity and trust which creates an environment where constructive criticism and diverse viewpoints are easily accepted and welcomed.


  • In order this to work very well, we need to produce value so that people want to have a meeting.


  • You’ll test several sales angles (a minimum of 500 people per sales angle test) 

  • About 40% of your target audience sees your company (because of 40 % open rate) and they might come back later


Leadgeon Group

Leadgeon group combines various areas of innovative lead generation, Sales and Marketing (SDR) services.

Sub-brands that are mainly focusing lead generation:

GetB2Bappointments | Leadgeonb2b | LeadgeonGlobal | LeadgeonGrowth and are part of T & T Consulting Ltd (3168320-3)

©2024 by Leadgeon.

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